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Payroll Solutions Launches New Website

Payroll Solutions, Inc. is pleased to announce the launch of our new website!  After several months of planning and hard work, we are happy to officially announce the launch on May 1, 2017.  Special thanks go to Tyler Olson at North Star Marketing and Joe Joplin at JSI Data for helping to make this happen.  The site is now available and the new URL is

The former URL ( is still active and will be indefinitely. If you still have the old website bookmarked, you will be forwarded to the new site. There is no need to change this.

Our goal with the new site is to provide visitors an easier way to learn about the services offered by Payroll Solutions. You will still be able to access all applications by selecting the appropriate buttons at the top of the page. That information has not changed.

In addition to the full PC version of the site, we now have smart phone and tablet versions as well.

The menu items are more intuitive and we have added integrated social media buttons for Facebook, Linkedin and Vimeo. We will be constantly updating our content with helpful information, company announcements, articles, newsletters and blogs.

We hope you find the new website more user friendly and easier to navigate. For any questions, suggestions or comments, please let us know.

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